To operate the Receiver do the following:
Connect it to a computer:
Connect the "Audio Out" from the receiver to a line-in or microphone input on a computer using an appropriate audio cable.
Connect an HF antenna to the SMA connector marked "Antenna Input".
Connect a 5V power source to the micro USB connector.

The Multi-Band WSPR receiver has the following characteristics:
CAT Controlled. No Display, No tuning knob..
Is designed to be "plug-and-play" with few settings.
Powered from a USB port on the computer that controlls it.
Intended to be used with a computer running WSPR reception software like WSJT-X.
Each device is individually frequency calibrated to high standards.
Frequency: 100kHz to 28.2MHz.
-120dBm or better (3dB SN/N in 500Hz Bandwith) -
100x70x25mm. -
Power usage:
0.3W -
Theory of operation:
The WSPR-RX V2 is a direct conversion single side band receiver that receives any frequency in the shortwave bands.
When connected to computer that runs a WSPR software it will form a system for trouble free WSPR reception on a one or more bands.
The frequency is CAT controlled and emulates an ICOM IC-746.
The receiver uses Arduino compatible hardware running open source firmware.
Uses a sampling mixer for good dynamic range.
The output is a low frequency (LF) of a single sideband that is amplified and low pass filtered by the LF amplifier.
The LF signal is output on the 3.5mm audio connector.
Configure the computer software
Start the appropriate WSPR receive software on the computer, e.g on a Windows based PC you may use the software "WSJT-X".
Configure the Radio to be a ICOM-IC 746. Set the serial speed to 9600 Baud with 8 bits, no Parity and 1 Stop bit.
Configure the software to use the correct soundcard and adjust the volume using the sound mixer adjustment in your operating system.
Select the appropriate Ham band and if you intend to send your report to the WSPR network make sure to enter you Ham radio call sign and position in the settings as well.
Tick the "Upload spots" option.
The receiver is designed to be maintenance free and "plug-and-play" so there are no settings or adjustments that needs to be done on it.
Once the computer program have ben properly set there is nothing to adjust.
The receiver should give you many years of trouble free low power operation.
Morre info soon ...