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Writer's pictureHarry Zachrisson

Documentation page for the WSPR-TX_LP1

Updated: May 23, 2019

I have written a documentation page for the WSPR Transmitter WSPR-TX_LP1 and and tried to make it as complete as can be at this time. But as the firmware evolves I will expand the documentation. To get the transmitter out the door it is released with a firmware that requires the users to recompile the source and upload to change the data like call sign etc.

Future firmware.

I do have a Firmware more or less complete that stores this information in the EEPROM and makes it possible to change the settings without compiling or changing the firmware. The configuration is using a Serial API I developed for it. To do the configuration I have started on PC client software that will be the companion that sits on the PC and makes it easy for anybody to use the product.

But there are many more hours of software development before that is completed so I'm holding that off just for now.

It has taken a LOT of time to complete this project, many, many more hours than I could have imagined when I decided to do a commercial version.

The documentation itself was several days.

I guess it's just the nature of electronics that use hardware, software and PC Client software, it tends to become a very big project for a one man show :-)

But I will get there, one step at a time.

Addon card

I also released the companion Mezzanine card that sits on top and enables experimentation. You will find it in the shop.

Future product WSPR-TX_LP4

I have a follow up product that will use the same software and basically the same hardware, it will be named the WSPR-TX_LP4.

This product will be different in that it will be in a nice box and have four switchable low-pass filters fitted and it is ready to run out of the box.

That means you can transmit on four bands instead of one band and no soldering or Arduino skills required by the buyer.

The only down-side (for me) is that I have to wound 15 toroids for every build :-|

Have good summer and catch you on the Ham bands!


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