Hi all.
Last year I started modestly building and selling my radio related stuff on Tindie and then in late October I started my own company selling these products. And during my communication with you my customers I have gotten a few glimpses in how you use my products and lots of interesting stuff that you do in your shack.
I did some write up on a few of the users but I would like to do more on my blog.
You guys have so much interesting stuff going on that I am sure other people would love reading about.
So I have a proposal for you:
I would like you to take some time and write a bit about yourself, your interest, your shack, your projects etc send to me for publication on my blog.
And I at my end will reimburse the best entry.
The top entry as decided by me will get either 50$ in cash or alternatively a 100$ voucher to shop for in my store.
The second and the third best entry will each get a 30$ voucher to use in my shop. Voushers valid for a year. You must allow me to publish your text regardless if you win and you need to include at least one photo but preferable more and to include at least 10 lines of text.
The more photos you send, on your stuff, shack, antennas and on your self ( if you are OK with that) the better it is.
And remember that for you living around the world in Murmansk, at the Reunion Island, in South Africa, in California, in Australia etc. it will just be "Home" but for me and other Amateurs around the world it will be exotic and we would love to see how you live and what your way of life is in and outside the realm of Radio. So even if you don't think you have the greatest project or anything possible interesting to contribute, please write something anyway and let's find out.
If you include the use of a ZachTek product that is great but not a condition, and don't worry if you are not a great writer of if your English is not perfect. I will take whatever you send over and help you create something useful to read, if you prefer to write in your native language that is fine, I can probably get something together with the help of Google translate.
Here in Sweden I'm busy with a lot of stuff and have ideas, experiments and new products going on in various stages. On the design stage right now is more WSPR and Radio amateur related products, some simple test gear etc.
I'm will also start creating some YouTube videos about RF related things so see you soon there. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWizrvekyDFcg_t2AxlIY2g
Looking forward to hear from you, write a story to me and your fellow Hams!
//Harry - SM7PNV

PS For tips on what to write about, it can be one or several of the following items: Your shack Your projects How you use or plan to use one of my projects Who you are in life How you got stared in Ham radio What your interest are in Ham radio What your interest are outside Ham radio Pictures of Atennas, Shack, yourself, your favorite tool, your favorite pet , home town, neighborhood etc. Ideas for the future. Etc, etc